Your Collaborative Partner in Mechanised Mining Solutions

Latest in Cutting-Edge Innovation and Product Development

Load Haul Dumpers

Dump Trucks

Roof Bolters

Dual Power Roof Bolter is designed for bolting in low to medium height
conditions. Our Roof Bolters can be operated either electrically or using the diesel engine for maximum flexibility.

Drilling, resin insertion and bolting are accomplished from the operator’s basket. The boom lifts, swings, and extends to allow for up to 5.36m straight line bolt installation from one chassis position. Heavy duty Fletcher systems assure long life, maximum reliability and productivity.

Drill Rigs

GHH Supplies the Mine Master drill rigs, used mainly in underground metal ore mines and tunnel construction. A horizontal drilling rig is the basic equipment of every contemporary underground mine excavating the hard rocks, and the effectiveness of the whole mine depends largely on the quality and reliability of the mining rig.

Utility Vehicles

UV Botswana (UVB)specialises in the design and manufacture of low profile, trackless utility vehicles, offering a broad range of innovative and robust underground UV’s to cater for a variety of mining, supervision and support activities. The company boasts new and improved manufacturing facilities which provide a full service offering including research and design; engineering and manufacturing; commissioning, field service and full after sales service backup.